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A critical examination of gay neighborhoods as spaces that produce racial violence. While both popular and scientific understandings of modern gay neighborhoods position these spaces as sites of resistance, equality, sexual citizenship, and utopian desires, I argue that gay neighborhoods have historically operated, and continue to operate, as productive sites of violence and, particularly, as mechanisms of racial violence.


This essay contextualizes the narratives surrounding Pulse with a political-economic analysis of the massacre, its antecedents, and its aftermaths to position the Pulse massacre at the nexus of militarism, neoliberalism, and multiculturalism. 


Commentary on the OnePULSE Foundation's plan to privatize and monetize the mass shooting at the Pulse Nightclub through building a memorial-museum complex.


A curated selection of photos from on-the-ground fieldwork investigating urban development, urban sprawl, and transformations in the built envrionment of Winter Park, Florida.


An analysis of how digital social networking—a medium that has been regarded as a vehicle to build community and advance social justice—also functions as a vehicle for racial violence, segregation, and homonormativity within the gay urban neighborhood. 


Contemplation of the pain and profit of the grief economy at the National Pulse Memorial and Museum, published in The Avery Review (Columbia University). 


Commentary on the OnePULSE Foundation's venture to become part of Orlando's tourism industry by turning the site of the mass shooting into a new tourist destination.


A curated selection of photos from on-the-ground fieldwork interrogating urban development, gentrification, Black displacement, and environmental harm.

© 2016 by Dr. Zachary Blair

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